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Date : March 24, 2020
Disease control efforts impacting compost production
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/disease-control-efforts-impacting-comp [950]
Disease control efforts are impacting compost production, sources

Daily NK sources have reported that North Koreas efforts aimed at combating the spread of COVID-19 have begun to impact compost production this year. 

North Korean authorities are reportedly failing to emphasize fulfilling composting-related quotas as they normally do in the beginning of the year.

Many North Koreans havent achieved their composting quotas this year, a source in Ryanggang Province told Daily NK on Mar. 18. The government is focusing on preventing the spread of the coronavirus and hasnt pressured people to meet their quotas. 

The government is also failing to provide logistical support for composting activities, Daily NK sources said. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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