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Date : May 9, 2012
North Korea Responds to UN: Claims Shin Suk Ja is Dead
   http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/05/09/2012050900867. [419]

On April 27th, the North Korean authorities notified the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that Shin Suk Ja, wife of Dr. Oh Kil Nam, had died from hepatitis.  The response, which was sent by DPRK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Ri Jang Gon, is the first response from North Korea regarding the case of Dr. Oh.

The response does not give an account or any evidence of Shin's death, raising suspicions that the response is a cover-up by the authorities. Dr. Oh called the claim a "typical lie" and refused to accept it without proof.

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