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Date : June 15, 2012
ICNK Lobbying for UN Investigation into North Korean Gulags
   http://www.lemonde.fr/asie-pacifique/article/2012/06/14/des-ong-font-p [906]

A delegation from the ICNK met with officials in Paris on Tuesday, June 12th to discuss the ICNK's activities, including their goal of establishing a Commission of Inquiry in the United Nations. 

The delegation have been on a week long tour through Europe raising awareness of North Korean Human Rights issues.

In Paris they met with officials from the Elysee Palace, the Quai d'Orsay, and the Senate. "We are not seeking any kind of commitment, but we seek to educate French officials " , said Jared Genser. "We believe that it is the right time, obviously with the prospect of changing the composition of the Commission on Human Rights United Nations in March 2013 " , he adds.

The ICNK is focusing its efforts on creating a Special Procedures inquiry into North Korean human rights abuses. Of special interest to the group is the issue of political prison camps - known as Kwanliso - which are used by the authorities to detain enemies of the regime.

The ICNK believes the Special Procedures would help the regime recognize that improving human rights, especially the end of the kwanliso, is absolutely necessary before any normalization of relations between North Korea and the world outside " .

Language: French

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