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Date : February 5, 2013
110 South Korean Intellectuals' Statement on UN COI
   http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/02/04/2013020402487.htm [691]
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk00400&num=98624 [765]

On the 4th, 110 South Korean intellectuals and human rights activists presented a statement to the public that urges the South Korean government to support the establishment of UN COI into North Korea's crimes against humanity.

They emphasized international society's public opinion by stating that Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, criticized North Korea's extreme human rights situation and called for the establishment of COI. They also reported on how British members of Parliament, international human rights organizations. and the Japanese government had urged and supported for the establishment of a COI.

110 intellectuals and human rights activists, who participated in the creation and signing of this statement, called for the South Korean government's active support for the COI so that it can be adopted at the UN Human Rights Council this coming March.

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