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Date : March 6, 2013
LiNK Movie Screening
   http://libertyinnorthkorea.org/danny/ [1059]

Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) have produced a movie entitled Danny from North Korea. The movie is screening from February 21st to May 3rd in North America.
The movie is about the story of a defector youth, Danny, whom LiNK rescued from North Korea in 2006. It shows his defection, life in America, and his moms life in South Korea. Danny became the first defector to become a U.S citizen. He recently participated in the Presidential Election.
Sokeel Park, the Director of Research and Strategy at LiNK, said that people need to be more concerned about North Korean human rights rather than just focusing on the nuclear issue.
The movie is currently screening in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland.

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