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Date : January 15, 2015
HRW-Nothing to Celebrate on Leaders Birthday
   http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/01/06/north-korea-nothing-celebrate-leade [2252]

Human Rights Watch

North Korea: Nothing to Celebrate on Leaders Birthday

2015 Could Bring Justice for Leader With Legacy of Abusive Rule

January 6, 2015

(Seoul) – Birthday celebrations planned on January 8 for North Koreas dynastic supreme leader Kim Jong-Un contrast sharply with severe human rights violations throughout the country, Human Rights Watch said today. During the three years of his rule, Kim Jong-Un has escalated surveillance and control on borders to prevent North Koreans from fleeing and to stop outside information entering the country. Kim has continued a policy of systematic interrogation and torture of North Koreans caught trying to flee.

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