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Date : October 25, 2012
HRNK Release Report on Camp No. 22
   http://hrnk.org/uploads/pdfs/HRNK%20CAMP%2022%20REPORT%20FINAL%20(1).p [1288]

The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) and DigitalGlobe collaborated on a report released on Wednesday entitled 'North Korea's Camp No. 22.' This report was released after earlier claims that the camp may have been closed back in June. Images of the camp can be seen by visiting the following link: http://hrnk.org/events/image-gallery-photos.php?album=14#prettyPhoto

The report is the first release in a project by the two partners to map the current and ongoing lay of the land in the North Korean prison camps. It is hoped that by documenting the layout of the land in and around the camps that it will help preserve evidence should the regime try to destroy any evidence of the existence or functions of the camps.

The project may have already bore some fruit after claims that Camp No. 22 had closed down in June. Some press sources stated that the camp had closed amid claims that two high profile figures from the camp had left for China. Analysis of the site by HRNK and DigitalGlobe from images saved between November 2010 and October 2012 shows that the camp may well still be in use. The images suggest that harvesting of crops and coal production continues at the site. The claims of the closure followed identification by defectors of the destruction of an interrogation building at the site. The report from HRNK and DigitalGlobe finds that it looks like the camp is still operational. The two partners will continue to monitor this camp to look for possible signs of closure.

The North Korean regimes hiding and distorting the harsh reality of North Koreas unforgiving political prison camp system is no longer an option, said Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director of the Committee. With constant satellite imagery, we can maintain a watch over these camps even if no outside entry is allowed.

The report published on Wednesday is available via the HRNK's website – www.hrnk.org

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