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Date : February 14, 2013
Defector Organizations and Broadcasters for NK Criticized NKs Nuke Test
   http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=003& [2863]
   http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2013/02/14/0200000000AKR201302141 [3118]

Defector organizations and the Association of Broadcasters for North Korea held a press conference today at Seoul Press Center where they jointly criticized North Koreas recent nuclear test.
Defector organizations insisted that efforts to fly leaflets and send radio broadcasts to North Korea have to be strengthened so that the North Korean people can make a stand against the Kim Jong Eun regime. They also urged the South Korean government to actively support these works.
Lee Kwang Baek, the president of the Association of Broadcasters for North Korea, read out a statement that said defector organizations will increase their leaflet drop activities to North Korea, and radio broadcasters to North Korea will increase frequencies used and broadcasting time. Furthermore, he said that they will actively support the North Korean people in demanding democracy.

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