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Date : October 16, 2017
HRNK: The Parallel Gulag: North Korea's
   https://www.hrnk.org/events/events-view.php?id=72 [892]

The Parallel Gulag: North Korea's

Date and Time: October 26, 2017 09:30 am ~ October 26, 2017 11:00 am
Location: National Press Club First Amendment Lounge 13th Floor Main Level 529 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20045
Speakers: Victor Cha, David Hawk, Amanda Mortwedt Oh, Roberta Cohen, Stephen Noerper, and Greg Scarlatoiu
Host Organization: HRNK

The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) cordially invites you to:
North Korea's "An-jeon-bu" Prison Camps

Thursday, October 26, 2017
9:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.

National Press Club
First Amendment Lounge
529 14th Street, NW 
Washington, DC 20045

Opening Remarks
Victor Cha, Korea Chair, CSIS

David Hawk, Author
Amanda Mortwedt Oh, HRNK

Roberta Cohen, Co-Chair Emeritus, HRNK
Stephen Noerper, Senior Director, Korea Society
Moderator: Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director, HRNK


Closing Remarks
The event will be on the record. 

To RSVP for this event, please click to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-parallel-gulag-north-koreas-an-jeon-bu-prison-camps-tickets-38539427465?aff=es2

Please email Rosa Park, HRNK Director of Programs at rosapark@hrnk.org with any questions or concerns. 

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