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Date : October 14, 2020
The Korean Workers Party is 75 years old – and thats nothing to celebrate
   https://capx.co/the-korean-workers-party-is-75-years-old-and-thats-not [647]

The Korean Workers Party is 75 years old – and thats nothing to celebrate

By John Choi and Benedict Rogers

There are several regimes in the world today that would compete for that ignominious title, but few that come close to the absolute totalitarianism of Kim Jong-uns North Korean regime. In many dictatorships there are grave violations of human rights, but some flicker of light and space, no matter how slim, that – often despite the regimes efforts at repression – enables courageous human rights defenders, religious leaders and civil society activists to dissent. In North Korea, there simply is none. Every article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is violated or denied, every day.

Even the name of the regime founded 75 years ago today is an Orwellian parody. The Korean Workers Party not only subjects hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in North Koreas prison camps to forced labour, it consigns many North Korean workers to slave labour conditions abroad too. It has presided over a system that has resulted in the trafficking of North Korean women into sexual slavery in China. It has caused the starvation of millions, and led to thousands of North Koreans fleeing the country to escape the regimes oppression. .........

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