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Date : February 28, 2022
SK Presidential Candidate Questionnaire Responses
   https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/02/28/south-korea-presidential-candidate [707]

South Korea Presidential Candidate Questionnaire Responses
Responses Received to the Questions of Human Rights Watch

Childrens Rights and Education
Discrimination in access to education occurs in South Korea, and impacts the right to education of refugees, migrants, children from North Korea, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) children, and children with disabilities. What is your policy on providing all children in South Korea with a quality and free primary and secondary education, including at least nine years of compulsory quality education on an equal basis for all, and at least one year of free pre-primary education as committed to in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? .....

Human Rights Policy Towards North Korea

The North Korean Human Rights Act was passed by the South Korean National Assembly in March 2016. Provide details of specific steps and an expected timeline to establish the North Korean Human Rights Foundation and appoint an ambassador at large on North Korean human rights. ......

[Source: HRW]

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