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Date : May 10, 2012
The 'Traitor' Grandfather of North Korea's Leader Kim Jung-un
   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/9253286/The- [3228]

"The grandfather of North Korea's leader worked as a collaborator with Japanese soldiers who were hunting Kim Il-sung during the Second World War, according to documents unearthed in Tokyo. Kim Jung-un's maternal grandfather, Ko Gyon-tek, worked at a factory in Osaka making uniforms for the Japanese army who were hunting Kim Il-sung, the guerrilla leader and founder of the North Korean regime whose son would later marry the current dictator's mother. Collaborating with the Japanese occupiers of Korea would normally have meant incarceration in North Korea's gulags for the traitor and his family. But Mr Ko avoided that fate after he returned to North Korea in the early 1960s thanks to his daughter being in the favour of Kim Jong-il, the son of Kim Il-sung."
 Source: The Telegraph

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