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Date : August 17, 2012
Ban Ki Moon is Continuing to Attempt to Solve the Shin Sook Ja Problem
   http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=001& [1665]

Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary-General, visited South Korea and stated that he will continue to make progress on the problem of 'Daughter of Tongyoung, Shin Sook Ja and her two daughters, Oh Hye Won and Kyu Won.' 

On the 14th, Ban attended the conference for 'Korea's uplifting role for the UN Millennium Development' in South Korea's congress. There he met Ha Tae Kyung, a congressman in the Saenuri Party, and Shin's husband, Oh Kil Nam. 
Ha Tae Kyung asked Ban whether the UN has an intention to send a special envoy to North Korea and discuss with the North Korean government about this problem. Ban answered that the UN has already appointed the Special Rapporteur of the North Korean Human Rights, but the North Korean government refused their visit; however, he said that he will keep trying to make progress to get a solution to this problem. He also stated that South Korea needs to lead the improvement of relations with North Korea, and they have the ability to do so. 

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