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Date : September 3, 2012
Chung Myung, a Play, Focuses on the North Korean Human Rights Situation
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk00100&num=96636 [1078]

One of the ICNK members, Young Defectors' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, will present the play, Chung Myung in early September, and it features North Korean defector college students and South Korean college students acting under the direction of Chung Ang Universitys drama professors. This play throws light on the extreme human rights situation in North Korea.
The play is about North Korean defectors going into North Korea with the aim of planting a bomb to kill the executive members of North Korea. It shows why the defector revolutionists have no choice but to terrorize the North Korean government for democracy. Also, it is noticeable that this play treats not only the human rights issue but also revolution in North Korea.
Only three of the performers in Chung Myung have acted before. The North Korean defector students have already experienced some of the situations in this play, so their acting is heartfelt. The performers and directors said that they want a lot of people to understand why North Koreans cannot start riots and also why so a lot of North Koreans escape from North Korea. They hope people will be more concerned about North Koreas miserable reality.
The play, Chung Myung, will be running from the second week of September for 10 days at the Samillo Warehous Theatre in Myeong Dong.

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