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Date : September 17, 2012
Dr. Oh Kil Nam Participated in a Seminar in DC
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Dr. Oh Kil Nam and other representatives, who visited the United States last week, appealed to the international community to help save his wife, Shin Sook Ja, and his two daughters at a seminar sponsored by the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea.
Dr. Oh earnestly asked the UN, the US, Germany and others to help him arrange for a meeting with his two daughters. At the seminar, a video which contains Dr. Oh family's story, 'Save My Family,' was screened.
Also, Roberta Cohen, the co-chairwoman of HRNK, attended this seminar and stated that gathering the interest of the international community on the North Korean human rights issues is of the utmost importance. Moreover, she said that the UN and NGOs need to work together to press the North Korean government about these issues.




Source of Picture: HRNK

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