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Date : September 17, 2012
VOICE, a New Project by the ORNK, is Looking for Participants
   http://internationalvoice.webs.com [993]

In September, Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK) set up a project to inform foreigners in South Korea about the North Korean human rights situation. The project is entitled Voice of International Companions on Earth (VOICE). The project will begin with an orientation session on the 8th of October. There will then be a series of three lectures on North Korea. The project will then move on to a recording session which will be broadcast to North Korea. Finally, each participant will receive a certificate for their involvement.
The orientation session will introduce the project, explain how the recordings will be done, and then create partnerships between foreigners and Korean students. The Korean students will help with translating the recording sessions.:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The lecture series will begin with a talk by Sohn Kwang Ju on 'The Modern History of North Korea.' Mr. Sohn is a representative of the Unified Strategy Institute and former chief editor at the Daily NK. He is an expert on the modern history of Korea. Kang Cheol Hwan - Representative of North Korea Strategy Center - will then give a lecture on 'The Situation of North Korean Human Rights.' Mr. Kang is, of course, best known to foreigners as the author of 'The Aquariums of Pyongyang.' Kim Young Hwan (Researcher at NK Net) will then lecture on the subject of 'Global Young Peoples Role in Solving the North Korean Human Rights Situation.' Mr. Kim has featured extensively in the press recently due to his imprisonment and the torture he received in China.
The most important element of VOICE is the recording session. Each participant will be asked to prepare a speech on their interest in North Korean human rights and their future plans for involvement in North Korean human rights. This speech will be recorded at the ORNKs studio. Each recording will be translated in to Korean. Both the original recording and the Korean recording will then be broadcast to North Korea.
The project will then finish on the 25th of October with a closing ceremony. Each participant will receive a certificate to thank them for their involvement at the closing ceremony.
If you are interested in finding out more, then please visit http://internationalvoice.webs.com/. To register to be involved in this project, please visit the VOICE website and download an application form. Completed application forms must be returned to nkradio.voice@gmail.com. Applications must be received by the 5th of October.

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