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Date : July 21, 2021
APPG: Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in North Korea
   https://b64a88a3-b1cd-4d11-8279-50610a8df584.filesusr.com/ugd/897883_7 [620]

APPG on North Korea

Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in North Korea 2014-2020/1

The APPG on North Korea conducted an inquiry into the human rights violations in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK)between  2014  and  2020/1(the  Inquiry).  The  purpose  of  this inquiry  was  to  gather  evidence  of  human  rights  violations  between  2014  and  2020/1,  to  map  the atrocities, and to identify the needed responses. The Inquiry consisted of desktop research, open public consultation, and oral hearings. It builds on the work of previous reports on North Koreas human rights situation, particularly theUNs2014 Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea(the UN Commission of Inquiry), and renews calls for action

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