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Date : August 9, 2021
A Policy of Public Diplomacy with North Korea
   https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/policy-public-diplomacy-north [1133]

A Policy of Public Diplomacy with North Korea

A Principled and Pragmatic Approach to Promote Human Rights and Pursue Denuclearization

Author: Jieun Baek | August 2021


Between April and July of this year, our working group engaged in robust discussions with the singular goal of recommending a pragmatic, solutions-oriented policy on North Korea to the Biden administration. The recommendations in this report are derived from the collective and varied experiences and insights of the US-NK Policy Working Group. Our working group members—some of whom have analyzed and observed North Korea since 1979—include former U.S. Army and U.S. Navy officers with extensive experience in security affairs on the Korean peninsula, retired U.S. intelligence community analysts, academics, and human rights NGO leaders. Our birth places include the U.S., South Korea, North Korea, and Romania. Two of our members secretly listened to American and other foreign radio programs in Romania and North Korea before eventually settling in the United States. ......

[Source: Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School]

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