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Date : February 3, 2021
Promoting accountability in the DPRK
   https://undocs.org/en/A/HRC/46/52  [732]

Promoting accountability in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea 

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Human Rights Council
Forty-sixth session 
22 February–19 March 2021 


Submitted pursuant  to  Human  Rights  Council  resolution  40/20,  the  present  report describes the activities of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in promoting accountability for human rights violations in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, highlighting the progress made and the challenges encountered. It also examines information the Office has gathered on human rights violations committed in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in the light of relevant international legal standards. It concludes with recommendations addressed to the Government of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Member States, the  Human Rights Council and the General  Assembly and all stakeholders.United Nations

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